I just wanted to talk real quick about my blog name. I was sittin here trying to get my blog started and my computer was taking forever. When I went to click on the area to give my blog a name I was thinking of what I was going to use and I am siting here waiting and waiting on my computer and at the top of the screen was a simple little word that said "redirecting". I thought to myself how perfect that name is. Since this will be my blog of my experiences during this time when I am literally trying to change my whole life. I felt at that exact moment that God...the person who is in charge of my transformation...is doing exactly that...he is completely REDIRECTING me. Taking me down a whole different path...
So that's where it came from...didn't want to forget!!!!
New blog address!
14 years ago
It definitely wasn't a coincidence Sweets! LOVE the name.... :)